How To Get Rid of Lawn Weeds In 4 Ways

Are you having trouble with weeds?
Everyone loves the look and feel of a manicured lawn. There’s nothing worse than an army of weeds popping up to ruin your hard work. The good news is that weeds can be controlled with the right lawn care and prevention plan.
In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at weeds and provide you with information to control them. For more information about front and back yard landscaping, visit or contact Legends Landscape Supply in Burlington today.
1. Determine the Kind of Weeds
You should first determine the kinds of weeds that you are dealing with before implementing any weed control measures.
Weeds you may find in your lawn and garden in Southern Ontario can include:
- Lady’s Thumb
- Dandelions
- Quackgrass
- Clover
- Ragweed
- Broadleaf Plantain
- Canada Thistle
- Creeping Charlie
- Crabgrass
- Green Foxtail
You can better treat and manage weed control once you have a better idea of the weeds that are growing. If you have questions about how to properly treat the weeds in your lawn, gardens and even through the cracks in your walkways or driveway, contact our professional landscapers in Burlington.
2. Choose a Treatment and Prevention Solution
While the best form of weed control is prevention, that isn’t always possible. You may have purchased mulch that contained weed seeds or just moved into a home that has a weed problem. No matter the case, the sooner you begin to treat the problem, the better.
A little manual labour can help you get started. As you inspect the weeds to determine what they are, take time to remove them from the root. This will provide you with a temporary solution while you create a long-term plan. You will need tools, such as a trowel, fork or specialized de-weeding tool.
It’s also a good idea to bring gardening gloves, a bucket for the dead weeds and a foam board to kneel or sit on. We suggest removing weeds after it has rained, as the roots tend to slip out a little easier than with dry dirt.
Once you have removed the weeds, you may want to begin a weed treatment and prevention solution. You may want to find a product that can simply be sprinkled onto your lawn and in the garden, while others may opt for a company to provide the weed treatment and prevention services. A pre-emergent herbicide can help you to nip the problem in the bud. The best time for these products is in the early spring.
The most important things are that you find a solution that works for the weeds you have, without harming the grass and garden, and that it is consistent.
3. Maintain a Lawn Care Schedule
Consistency is key with lawn care and weed control. Once you find the right solution for your landscape, it’s important that you stick to it, along with other lawn care tasks.
Caring for your lawn can include:
- Aerating
- Fertilizing
- Watering
- Mowing
Click here for more information about lawn care and maintenance.
4. Taking a Natural Approach
Would you prefer to take a natural approach to weed prevention and control? While a natural approach may take a little longer or require more of an effort, it can be very effective without the use of chemicals or other man-made products.
Add vinegar to a spray bottle and give weeds a regular spray. This should effectively kill the weeds in a as little as a few days or weeks. Aim for a vinegar with 10-20 per cent acetic acid for better results.
Physically removing the weeds is another effective and all-natural approach to weed control. While this method may take more time and energy, it can prove to be very effective.
Adding two inches of mulch can help to prevent the growth of weeds. The mulch can help to prevent sunlight from reaching the soil where the weeds or seeds are. Not to mention that it looks great and provides your garden with contrast.
Biodegradable Fabric
If mulch isn’t doing the trick, placing a biodegradable fabric over the soil in your garden and then covering with mulch may do the trick. Simply cut holes where your plants are so that they can grow through and cover with mulch.
Landscaping in Burlington
Enjoy your lawn and landscape with help from our experts. At Legends Landscape Supply in Burlington, we have a team of seasoned professionals who are eager to help.
Get a better understanding of your landscape with our landscape coaching service. We stock a range of products to help you maintain and expand your landscape. For everything landscaping in Burlington, contact us today.