Landscape Drainage

Don’t let your Landscape Wash Away
Prevent muddy pools, stagnant water, and eroded gardens by integrating the right drainage into your property. You can rely on our expert consultation to guide your selection, just stop by our showroom or give us a call for advice.
The Right Drainage Can Make Any Landscape Design Possible
Good contractors will always provide you with a drainage plan for your landscape. Some municipalities even require these plans in new developments, eliminating issues being passed on to future buyers.
Drains can often give you what you want as a homeowner in your landscape plan. Some contractors often shy away from these issues to eliminate warranty problems in the future, but a good contractor will have dealt with these challenges in the past and should be able to give you solutions for your property. These innovative products have great function, and can be easily hidden in a landscape.

Discrete and Attractive Solutions
Drainmat is an entrance mat created by a grate that allows debris and moisture to collect underneath. Drainlines is a trench system that surrounds paved areas to avoid flooding from runoff. PointDrains are square basins suitable for removing moisture retention from a specific low point.
How to Identify Water Drainage Issues
Retaining some water is good for your lawn and garden, obviously, but too much can lead to destruction of your landscape, and flooding of your home. Clay or sandy soils that are highly compacted, low lying areas, or higher than average runoff due to large paved areas can all contribute to flooding. Look out for these indicators to determine whether you require drainage solutions:
- Pooling water from downspouts
- Pooling water around the foundation of your home
- Tiny streams running through your turf and soil
- Large depressions in your soil

- Driveways and patios
- Grassy areas, retaining walls, and other landscape features
- Parking areas
- Swimming pools
Visit our Showroom
Visit our showroom or give us a call for expert guidance in selecting the right landscape prolonging systems for your specific requirements.