Winter Accessories

Wait Here, We’ll get Backup!
If you want to be prepared for that winter storm, you’ve got to think about more than just melting ice. At Legends Landscape Supply, we’ve got all the accessories you’ll need to send Mother Nature a clear message. This is my walkway.
Planning to purchase a bulk supply of liquid de-icer? Apply it quickly and efficiently with the Earthway High Output Liquid Sprayer. It’s important to get your de-icer down before the snow accumulates, and there is no quicker way to do it than with the Earthway sprayer. And we offer much more...
- A wide selection of insulated gloves, featuring rubber or latex coated palms.
- Top quality pusher shovels for the after-storm cleanup.
- Salt bins for convenient placement to the side of the garage for easy access to your melting product.
- High visibility marking poles to mark the extremities of your walkway or driveway.
- Electric snow melting mats to stop snow accumulation before it starts.
Don’t be Invisible
Not all gloves are created equal. An important feature in several of our glove products is the high visibility shell. If you shovel mostly after getting home from work, opt for a glove with high visibility. You will be safer standing at the end of your driveway tossing snow around if passersby can see even a small part of you.
Come on Down!
Start preparing for the next winter today. Come by our showroom on Heritage road in Burlington and look at the many winter accessory options we have.